Live Into the Question

Another day...sitting here at the keys hoping to revive my love for writing...searching...hoping to become more comfortable with the search... And maybe just wanting this journey is traveling in itself.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Big Kiss

i am giving a big kiss to my life tonite...because i am a wizard...full of magical things...wild...blooming...a gift i give myself...juicy goddess kisses...leaving glittery-lipstick smears all spells and like wishes and like dreams always coming true...
When I went to Hawaii a few weeks ago I got sand everywhere. I found it in my mouth and hair and in between my toes. I was ok with the sand. But when I got into the ocean I was careful. I winced in the cold-at-first water and watched the oceanfloor for rocks and seaweed. Careful, careful. All around me vacationers jumped in being pulled by the waves. And every day there was this man, gray and liver-spotted, in loud orange shorts, who would come onto the beach. He sat in the same spot, removed his shirt, folded it, hung it in the prongs of his umbrella, and waded into the sea. He would swim so far out that I would hold my breath, afraid that the mighty ocean would overwhelm him. But each day he would re-emerge, exhausted and happy, and sit back down on the beach.
The last day of my vacation I went into the water, cursing as the cold made contact with my skin. I went farther. and farther. and farther. And to my suprise, it was pretty shallow. I could easily stand, even as far as I went. It was a lesson for me. Trust. It was a lesson to trust the water and myself in it, to live live live...not so carefully. In the effort to release our fears, we are taken care of. How nice...

Smooch, smooch, smooch!!! i kiss my beautiful, bountiful, joyful, delicious life!