Live Into the Question

Another day...sitting here at the keys hoping to revive my love for writing...searching...hoping to become more comfortable with the search... And maybe just wanting this journey is traveling in itself.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Grilled Cheese Vocation

While lying in my bed reading Anne Lamott's new book, Plan B, this morning, I ran into the reason I want to be a priest. Anne was talking about a friend of hers speaking on a trip to a prison. This friend reached the prisoners with the story she told. They stood and applauded her. Anne says the reason for this is that she said to them, "I'm human. You're human. Let me greet you in your humanness. Let's get together and be people for awhile". Hot tears wet my cheeks because that is just it. I have not been able to tell people when they ask why I want to be a priest. I could not tell them, "I want to lead God's people" or "It is all I have ever wanted to do" not even "I think I'm right for the job". I have felt like a fraud some days, not having a concrete answer for what I'm doing here. But Lamott is exactly right.
I want to be a person with people. That realization freed me from my own little prison, where I was knocking my head against the wall, saying What the fuck does God want with me? I am thinking now that it might be that I was really making an attempt to live in this world just like I am, to hug my humanness. That is what Jesus was talking about in those two greatest commandments. He said something like, "Come here and let me love you." It is a message of radical acceptance of God's beautiful, flawed creation. Not "let me change you" or "let me choose the prettiest of you". Jesus sat down on the couch and said to the whole world, "Here. Want half of my sandwich?" Perhaps this is it, the heart of God. So, that's why I want to become a priest. Neato.


  • At 9:39 PM, Blogger Alison said…

    Heu mimi- its me alii(wow-that kinda rhymes)

    I remeber jocelyn told me you were going to beome a priest..i kinda thought she was joking,

    but anyways, after i figured out she wasnt joking- my next question was why?

    so you just answered it al so eloquently.

    take care,

  • At 7:06 AM, Blogger GeminiMoonPoet said…

    Alii thought I was joking, hehe. I will admit that I was a little taken aback by your commitment to leading some folks under the collar of organized religion. It really wasn't clear to me why you were attending monthly abuse sessions or going through crazy pedophile tests until I read your entry. Congrats shawty!

    Man I gotta get up on Ann Lamont!

  • At 4:23 PM, Blogger Phoenix said…

    i'd love to build on this sweet spirit stuff soon. let me know what's good.


  • At 6:21 AM, Blogger Gradly said…

    I love the fact that you wanna be a priest...I would love for us to drink tea at my house and sit and talk about it.

    I use to want to be a pastor....shhhh...that's a secret.

    One Love


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